Based on the planning and execution of criminal cause celebre the Great Train Robbery, this taut, meticulously researched drama stars Stanley Baker as a crime boss undertaking the heist of his career with Frank Finlay and Barry Foster among the gang he assembles, and James Booth as the dogged detective who's determined to catch them all.
Co-produced by Baker and directed by multiple-Oscar-nominated Peter Yates, Robbery is a classic of British Film exceptionally scripted (winning a WGGB Award for Best British Screenplay), powerfully acted and sporting a legendary score by composer-arranger Johnny Keating. It is presented here as a brand-new High Definition restoration from original film elements in its original aspect ratio.
Having successfully pulled off a daring jewel heist, Paul Clifton prepares to hit a mail train heading south from Glasgow. Several difficulties stand in his way, however, not the least of which is the police who are hot on his tail and already know he's planning something bigger...
[] Brand-new interview with Michael Deeley recorded for this release
[] Cinema: Stanley Baker an archive interview from 1972
[] German film The Great Train Robbery
[] Waiting for the Signal: The Making of Robbery brand-new documentary featuring interviews with cast and crew
[] Behind-the-scenes footage archive news footage of the filming at Market Harborough
[] Image gallery - posters, lobby cards, memorabilia and production stills
[] Original campaign guide, exhibitors' manual and flyers in PDF format
[] 32 page booklet by film historian Sheldon Hall