Legendary Hungarian animator Marcell Jankovics created a definitive masterpiece of world cinema with this psychedelic adaptation of Hungarian fairy tales. Traversing an otherworldly canvas, Son of the White Mare follows mythic folk heroes Treeshaker, Stonecrumbler and Irontemperer as they descend into the perilous Underworld on an epic quest to battle the forces of ancient evil and save the cosmos. By turns astonishing and meditative, this kaleidoscopic medley of path-breaking animation styles is given its first-ever U.S. release here in a new 4K director approved restoration. Rounding out this collection is a comprehensive survey of Marcell Jankovics famed early work including a new restoration of János Vitéz, the first Hungarian animated feature film, and three landmark short films.
Special Features:
- New 4K restoration from by original camera negative by the Hungarian National Film Institute – Film Archive in collaboration with Arbelos. /
- New 4K restoration of "János Vitéz" (1973) by the Hungarian National Film Institute – Film Archive. /
- 3 newly remastered short films by Marcell Jankovics /
- "Brighter Colors", a new video interview with Marcell Jankovics / "The Making of János Vitéz" archival short
- U.S. Theatrical Trailer /
- New essays by Eleanor Cowen and Charles Soloman