Cherry 2000 (Region B)

Type: New Blu-Ray

This stylish, unclassifiable film depicts a future world in which sex is no longer an act that occurs naturally between two consenting adults, but rather an emotionless, business-like arrangement in which the man chooses his ideal mate... from a selection of perfectly-formed replicants.

When successful businessman Sam Treadwell (David Andrews, Fight Club) finds that his android wife, the Cherry model 2000 (Pamela Gidley, The Maze), malfunctions during a steamy clinch, he decides to leave the safety of his everyday life and brave the treacherous and lawless region of The Zone to find an exact replacement model from a remote factory warehouse. His guide for this dangerous journey is the renegade tracker E Johnson (Melanie Griffith, Mulholland Falls), a fearless and undeniably real woman.


- New interview with actor Tim Thomerson

- Audio commentary with director Steve De Jarnatt

Making Cherry 2000 (1987): vintage featurette

- Original theatrical trailer

1987, 98 minutes, 1.85:1, colour, 1080p, 24fps, English HoH subtitles