Physical Media Advocate Issue 7

Type: Books

In the seventh edition of The Physical Media Advocate, another slate of wonderful articles is here for you to enjoy! In this month's edition of The Advocate, Blake Bergman celebrates Christmas, Troy Howarth wishes for some tv movies to come to blu-ray, Antonio Tully-Spinozzi spends some time reminiscing on his much younger years, Chris Haskell of They Live by Film provides us with the next slate of Arrow Video US titles, and Rachel Bellwoar celebrates Jane Fonda! If that's not enough, Eugenio Ercolani takes us back to Italy, Stan Giesea gives us an article on Richard Burton's Hamlet, and Jason Christopher laments on the disappearing art of the DVD menu screen. We also welcome Nick Jarrett to his first issue of The Advocate with a celebration of Gotti (not the Travolta one, promise).

As usual, there is a massive amount of movie release news, collecting tips, recommendations and highlights of things to come! Shout out to Planet Mondo with the cover art of The Dead Zone!
