"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving is a quintessential Gothic tale that has captivated readers since its publication in 1819. Set in the quaint village of Sleepy Hollow, the story follows the superstitious schoolmaster Ichabod Crane as he encounters the infamous Headless Horseman. Alongside Irving's companion piece, "Rip Van Winkle," this tale is regarded as one of the earliest examples of American fiction, showcasing Irving's mastery of storytelling and folklore. Presented in this beautiful edition, featuring a captivating cover illustration by Sarah B. Bolen, this timeless classic will enchant both longtime fans and a new generation of readers.
Hardcover bound in Bordeaux Geltex Measures 100x160 mm
Black, 120 gram Endpapers
Printed on 115 g wood free, age resistant Munken Premium Cream paper
116 Pages Sewn book block Black Ribbon marker and Headbands Gilded on front and spine
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