The Rainmaker (1956)

Type: New Blu-Ray


Under the spell of a wandering charlatan named Starbuck, a lonely ranch girl blossoms into full womanhood in The Rainmaker. Katharine Hepburn (The Lion in Winter) garnered an Oscar nomination as the (believably plain yet magnificently beautiful) tomboy rancher, with Burt Lancaster (Elmer Gantry) brilliantly cast in the role of the smooth-talking con man who sells his rainmaking powers to unsuspecting, drought-ridden western towns. Writer N. Richard Nash (Porgy and Bess) meticulously enlarges his Broadway play to the big screen without losing any of the earthy, gut-wrenching emotions or the sheer, hilarious fun. The result is a genuinely appealing and beautifully executed romance directed by Joseph Anthony (The Matchmaker). Featuring Wendell Corey (I Walk Alone), Lloyd Bridges (Canyon Passage), Earl Holliman (Giant), Cameron Prud’Homme (Back from Eternity) and Wallace Ford (Flesh and Fury).

Special Features:
-Remastered in HD by Paramount Pictures – From a 6K Scan of the 35mm VistaVision Original Camera Negative
-NEW Audio Commentary by Film Historian and Writer Julie Kirgo
-Theatrical Trailer
-Optional English Subtitles
