From The Director Of The Original Animated THE LORD OF THE RINGS And The Illustrator Of CONAN THE BARBARIAN It began as a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between two of the greatest icons of the fantasy genre: Controversial animator Ralph Bakshi (director of FRITZ THE CAT, WIZARDS and the original THE LORD OF THE RINGS) and legendary illustrator Frank Frazetta (creator of the iconic CONAN THE BARBARIAN, VAMPIRELLA and Edgar Rice Burroughs book covers). It became – and remains – one of the most startling animation epics of all time. Now experience a world unlike any ever seen, where savage warriors, horrific monsters and luscious maidens battle for the soul of a civilization in a time of good and evil, pleasure and pain, and FIRE AND ICE. This long-unavailable cult favorite has been fully restored and remastered in breathtaking High Definition from original vault materials, remixed in earth-shaking 7.1 DTS-HD and 7.1 Dolby TrueHD, and loaded with exciting Extras.