The MacGrieff’s, a wealthy Scottish family, are rocked by a grisly murder on their estate. The youngest, Corringa (Jane Birkin, Blowup), finds herself embroiled in an increasingly bizarre saga. As the bodies pile up, Corringa starts suspecting someone within her own family of the murders, is it her arrogant cousin, James (Hiram Keller, Fellini’s Satyricon)? Their seductive French teacher, Suzanne (Doris Kunstmann, Funny Games)? Her own mother, Alicia (Dana Ghia, My Dear Killer)? Or can the legend of the MacGrieff family be true? That any MacGrieff killed by the hands of another will bring about a vengeful curse on the whole clan.
Italian film legend, Antonio Margheritti (The Long Hair of Death), delivers this stylish gothic-giallo with all the visual panache that made him the icon he is today and Riz Ortolani (Cannibal Holocaust) supplies a beautiful score to this lushly shot creeper, so bask in the glory of this new 2k scan courtesy of 88 Films!
Special Edition Contents Include
New 2K restoration from the original camera negative
Restored English Soundtrack
Restored Italian soundtrack with newly translated English subtitles
Audio commentary
Interview with Edoardo Margheriti
English trailer
Italian trailer
Reversible sleeve with alternative art